This is a really important observation!

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Agree with Rod’s analysis. We are in a precarious positions because the radical left has succeeded in it”long March through our cultural institutions” and had thus been successful in instilling its beliefs and political objectives into major areas of our society, in effect their “secular religion” has triumphed in major segments of our activities and replaced the once dominant Judeo Christian ethic and morality with ideas such as social justice , the ends justify the means, and deconstruction and relativism ( in many instances even with differentiating good vs. even) . If this “cultural revolution “ is successful , our ethos of freedom and liberty and aspired to by so many will have become a victim of some combination of the huge improvement in our material well being and the inattention paid to this insidious development by those “too busy” to engage in the effort to reverse the trend before we become a nation ruled completely by politicians and their handlers rather than the dispassionate rule of law applied equally to everyone. Regardless of whether one likes Trump or not, it is clear that this administration adhere to a very different legal standard with regard to him in comparison with the Biden family. And that abortion advocates have been treated very differently by the Justice Deot than those advocate for the lives of the unborn.

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Marxists don’t have the strength or courage to participate in culture. Which is why they must use propaganda and force.

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