Oct 13Liked by Rod D. Martin

Graves is also my 10th great-grandfather. Hello cousin!

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Cool! Hello!

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And migrating and taking over territory is what human beings have done throughout history. The Celts taking over Britain from whoever was there before, the Angles and Saxons moving into Britain after the Romans left, the Franks taking over Gaul and changing it to France, the ethic Russians taking over Siberia after 1500 (same time period as the settlement of the Americas). And the Native American tribes themselves did not originate in the Americas--they migrated over from Siberia themselves, so long ago they had forgotten it.

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Oct 13Liked by Rod D. Martin

Except for Antarctica, there is not a spot on the globe that has not changed hands multiple times. One illustration is the Mexican War which was a collision between 3 Empires (US, Mexico, Comancheria) with 3 more (Britain, France and Spain) lurking just offshore. Spain had controlled Mexico just 25 years before and France would do so 15 years in the future. The British as was their custom settled for financial control. The Comanches proved to be a more difficult opponent than the Mexicans with final suppression only coming after 30 years of conflict after the Mexican War was over.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Rod D. Martin

Whgat a great post! Thank you. I only wish children could hear this side of the story as they go through their education.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Rod D. Martin

No matter what old world people "discovered" the new - be it Africans, Moslems, Chinese, or Europeans - the natives of the new world were doomed by the old world diseases. No one intended it, and no one could have stopped it

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Well, to steal a line from Hillary Clinton during a senate hearing, “what the hell does it matter” the bottomline is that no longer has any relevance to the present. Now I’m no Hillary fan by far, but the point is there is so much navel gazing over the past which leftists use to try to advance their agenda by imposing a false guilt as they do with slavery. They are so self righteous and sanctimonious as if they could have done better back then. That’s called presentism. I’m not going to let them rewrite history. I’m celebrating Columbus Day for all the good that it represents. Let’s face it, everyone who has ever existed has been a depraved wretch according to scripture. So, let’s do what is right today based on a transcendent moral code, not someone’s woke idealism. If you constantly live in the past you’re going to lose a future which we are on the verge of doing as the Left manipulate us into a dystopian hellscape.

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Our government gave the Native 🇺🇸 the big ol finger. Address the fact that we gave them blankets to keep them warm were tainted with Small Pox. Hummm

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